Sunday 6 October 2013

Learning Styles Questionnaire

Questions and answer about Learning Styles - On the dimensionality of a learning style questionnaire

The dimensionality of a Learning Style Questionnaire was examined using undergraduate students majoring in science-related areas (chemistry, physics, geology, and biology) at a major state university. The number of dimensions found for the science students did not agree with the number found in earlier research and the composition of the individual dimensions differed substantially from what was found earlier. Additional work on the questionnaire is called for.

Honey and Mumford learning styles questionnaire

Source: Learning Style Questionnaire Blog

This questionnaire is made to figure out your liked learning style. Over the years you have possibly created learning practices which help you reward more from some encounters compared to others. Given that you are probably uninformed of this, this questionnaire will help you identify your learning preferences, to ensure that you are in a stronger placement to decide on learning encounters to match your style.

learning style questionnaire

learning style questionnaire

There is no time limit to this questionnaire. It will probably take 10-15 mins. The accuracy of the outcomes rely on exactly how sincere you can be. There are no ideal or incorrect answers. If you agree even more than you disagree with a declaration, put a tick by it. If you differ greater than you agree place a cross. Be sure to mark each product either with a tick or a cross.

Summary of previous Learning Styles Questionnaire activity.

After performing a review of the adult learning literature and concluding that previous learning style instruments possessed questionable validity, Brightman and Hightower (1989) developed a 13-item learning style questionnaire. The instrument purportedly measured cognitive, affective, and motivational elements which affect learning. These three components were based upon the eight principles of adult learning from Darkenwald and Merriam (1982): amount of previous training, intrinsic motivation, the use of positive reinforcement , organized presentations, significant task to solve, repetitive learning, active participation, and environmental factors.

The newly developed questionnaire was then administered to the membership of an Executive MBA (Master of Business Administration) class at Georgia State University. The data were factor analyzed using an orthogonal method of rotation. Four orthogonal dimensions were identified; however, in the opinion of the researchers each of the four dimensions contained substantial loadings with variables which did not logically fir together. The data were then re-analyzed using an oblique method of rotation and four simple and andragogically meaningful constructs were identified (Brightman & Hightower, 1989)

Learning Styles Questionnaire

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